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Archive / November, 2014

Technology, who wants it more?

Right now technology is sitting in the majority of retailers’ priority lists when it comes to meeting with predicted shopper expectations around store design.

In particular, retailers have got their eye on mobile point of sale, as well as queue management and ordering kiosks as a means to provide a choice of multi-channel options and in turn better service. Digital screens to support product information and shelf edge pricing are also seen to be making an impact on customers.

According to Retail

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Technology rises in US hospitality

Technology use, mobile in particular, in US restaurants is on the up. Information about a restaurant, viewing menus, reading online reviews, using rewards and special deals, and ordering takeout or delivery are the top usages; this is followed by looking up nutrition information and paying for meals.

Customers’ reasons for not using technology included a preference for dealing with people, not knowing how to use the devices, as well as not trusting the tools to work correctly.

The National Restaurant

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Joining up the channels

As with many consumers today, multichannel shopping is a convenient option for me. However, I am yet to be convinced that the stores are able to provide the seamless omni-channel service they are currently all shouting about.

The ability to provide a faultless transaction using more than one channel is for me the main issue. In the race to provide the high level of convenient digital service that is so in demand by consumers today, retailers aren’t stopping to join up all their channels. As a

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Disney uses wearable technology to create more magic

The Walt Disney Company has snapped up wearable technology in an effort to improve customer experience.

MagicBand wearable devices that use radio frequency identification (RFID) technology are being used to engage further with visitors around parks and resorts.

By wearing the bands visitors are automatically able to enter the Disney parks and hotel rooms, purchase food and gifts, use fast-track services and access Disney photographs via an online account.

Speaking at the Digital Strategy Innovation

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What’s on your digital agenda?

The changing shopping patterns of consumers that are increasingly going in a digital direction are seeing our core retailers and hospitality providers backing numerous technology innovations.

Digital channels are now truly in the mix and are only expected to continue to grow in popularity as they become the norm and fit seamlessly into peoples’ lives. By focussing on these convenient and flexible channels the companies that are in the know believe they can secure further growth.

Right now the

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