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Tag Archives: Mobile devices

Who’s playing the mobile payments game?

Retail is one of six markets currently competing in the mobile payments game. Financial institutions, Wireless network providers, Mobile payment services, Traditional payment services and Device makers, join Retailers to make up the six players.

According to Appinions Inc. a Manhattan-based startup that provides influence-marketing services, Apple is in the top spot as reported by its Digital Mobile Payments Influence Study. We may well see a mobile wallet from Apple in the next month or so, in

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Mobile shopping, convenient for customer and store

Product information, price comparisons, social network reviews, e-vouchers, and payments. These are just some of the consumer-based offerings that smart phone and tablets can keep customers engaged with on behalf of retailers.

With smartphones now an everyday item for most people, retailers are catching on to the fact that without mobile technology they are in danger of losing business and bringing in less sales.

Importantly new research has shown that mobile alone is not enough, and that retailers

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One Stop introduces mobile vouchers

Convenience store One Stop, a subsidiary of Tesco since 2003, is introducing mobile vouchers to its in store offering. Customers can use their mobile phone to redeem coupon offers in store that were sent to them by sms or email.

The voucher technology is from Eagle Eye Solution’s, a company that provides a transaction software platform, supporting real-time, multi-channel digital offers, payments and rewards. Eagle Eye Solution’s says it is using new, AIR technology that issues coupons via

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Is multi-channel technology the answer to Sunday Trading?

Right now retailers across the UK are debating the need to relax Sunday Trading Act, and perhaps multi-channel electronic point of sale technology can help them to win their argument.

This is the Act that came into effect in August 1994 that allowed stores over 3,000sq ft to open for six hours only on a Sunday between 10am and 6pm (closing all day on Easter Sunday), while stores under 3,000 sq ft have no restrictions.

The act was introduced to support the opinion that no worker should be forced

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Is mobile the high street’s secret weapon?

Rumour has it that mobile could be on the verge of helping the high street to take back the top spot when it comes to preferred retail experiences. Many in the industry are arguing that while mobile is growing fast, with sales doubling in 2013 to £3bn according to Consultancy Capgemini, stores on the high street should embrace the technology and use it to their advantage, rather than panic.

Alan Gabbay, founder of local product finder app Udozi, believes that brick and mortar stores still have

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