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Tag Archives: Customer loyalty

Filling the gap between mobile and knowing what to do with it

Many businesses as they prepare for a mobile future currently have a courting relationship with mobile devices as they work out whether they are a good fit and crucially what to do together.

The practical in-house business benefits of mobile, for stock taking or on the spot ordering for example, are easier to recognise than the advantages that customer facing mobile apps can offer to consumers.

Now the pressure is on for companies to find the right opportunities to fill the gap. Josh Bernoff, research

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Direct debit & credit payments are risky business for retailers

Retailers who rely on automated payments made by direct debit or credit are at risk of losing both money and customers as a result of mistakes made during the initial set up.

Payments made by customers, payments made to suppliers by businesses, and payments made to employees by businesses are among the most common failures within the six billion automated payments that take place in the UK per year.

With each failed payment, retailers are losing their share of the £4.3tn delivered by these automated

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